6 Steps to Keep Your Dog Safe & Healthy This Spring

March 30, 2021

6 Steps to Keep Your Dog Safe & Healthy This Spring

With the change of season, there are a few steps that dog moms and dads can take to keep their dogs happy and healthy! Oftentimes for humans, spring is the time for annual spring cleaning, but don't forget that your dog's got an annual spring checklist too! Read on to see what areas you can take to prepare your dog for this spring season.


1. Flea, Tick, & Heartworm Preventatives

As the weather becomes warmer, it is also the time where biting insects like mosquitos become more active. Just like we might put on bug repellent to ward of these annoying pests, we want to make sure our furry friends are also well taken care of. Don't wait until you see your dogs suffering and scratching themselves furiously before you start taking action. Make sure your dog is getting his routine heartworm, flea, & tick preventives and schedule regular checkups to make sure they don't already have it. After playing outdoors with your dog, check their body for ticks so you can help remove them immediately.


2. Avoid Over-Doing It

Over doing what? Well after months of being stuck indoors due to bad weather conditions, you finally catch sight of the first warm weekend and want to take full advantage of it. So, you plan some intense hiking trip or intense outdoor game. Regardless of what it is, you don't pace yourself and then you realize it's a bit much on your out of shape bodies. This is the time of year where many people get hurt or some kind of injury. The same could happen to our dogs. During the first sign of good weather, we may decide to take our also out of shape dogs out for a long walk or game of fetch. However, depending on how much physical exercise they were getting prior and their age, you may be over working your dog and he could potentially get injured. So make sure to gradually build up your dog's strength and stamina. If you notice your dog having any discomforts, take them to the vet immediately to receive treatment.


3. Spring Cleaning Awareness

Especially during the spring time, many people like to do a thorough spring cleaning. However spring cleaning can also pose a huge risk on our beloved dogs! Many of the cleaning products, fertilizers, pesticides, weed-killers, and so forth can be dangerous and toxic to our dogs! Remember that your dogs don't know what they can't eat or shouldn't touch. They won't be able to read the warning labels, so it's our responsibility as pet owners to keep these toxic ingredients out of reach and far away from our dogs. Consuming even a little bit of these ingredients can cause severe health reactions and even death for our beloved dogs. So check the labels and if you're not sure look it up.


4. Primp Your Dog

Do you feel like a wardrobe change or a hair cut to start fresh this season? Well why do you help your dog feel refreshed this spring as well! Schedule a trip to the groomer and swap out your dog's shampoo and soap for something new! Start your dog on a new supplement such as Petaxin Omega Care to keep their coats smooth & shiny! Trim your dog's nails, brush their teeth, clean their ears, and give them a good deep-cleansing bath.


5. Doggy Spring Cleaning

Aside from your own spring cleaning, what about spring cleaning for your dog? Wash, change, & clean your dog's bedding, toys, eating containers, toys, and more. If there are any toys that are old or broken, discard or repair as needed! Check the expiration date of all the dog food and treats that you've bought for your dog as well. Your dog will truly appreciate that you didn't forget about him & he can live more comfortably.


6. Lend a Paw

Aside from the tips mentioned above, you can also take this chance during your spring cleaning to give to your local animal shelter and community. Throwing out some stuff that's still nice and usable? Set these aside and donate them to your community shelters. Or you can call them up and ask if there's anything you can donate. During the spring time, there are more stray, homeless, and neglected dogs. Animal shelters and rescue groups are also more likely to be maxed out. So if you can, volunteer and/or donate! Know a friend that wants a dog? Encourage them to adopt! Whatever you can do, know that you are taking one step to saving a dog.

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